


Number one: Schrodinger's cat.

Truth...and although I'm not much of an NRA supporter I sure wish the left would allow them better access to program development, since they're the ones who know what they're talking about with gun education!

True, and I don't think people educate children properly about being careful with cars either. Then they grow up to be irresponsible drivers who do dumb shit with their cars the same way people do dumb shit with guns!

Real gun education is virtually nonexistent in America. No matter how much howling both sides of the debate do, we still don't make the concrete effort to educate. Only a child with special training would know how to do what you've described.

Can anyone explain the massive color-correction and weirdly liquid post that is going on? It's been weird this season but this episode was so blatant I kept pressing pause to make sure my eyes weren't blurring. Could it be a way of visually describing the amber universe?

I was actually more offended by Landau using the phrase 'airy-fairy,' which is a gay slur from way way back.

Strawberry, mos' def.

Well, I dunno. That Enterprise sponsored by Bud Light is pretty amazing.

Are you a lady? Sign yourself right up for www.shewrites.com! It's fantastic!

Ashley Wood = genius


Sigh. But props to you for holding out as well, sometimes I think I'm the only one not Face Booking!

I know. I was really irritated when I discovered that. And then I remembered that the target demographic is 14-year-olds, whereas I am just an Olds.


Dude, you mean 'Better Off Dead'!!

God damn it!? I've now watched this 3 times and am not convinced either way. And I REALLY want it to not be staged because I just had this conversation with my students about Empire last week - how we are all jaded with hindsight but there are still people in the world who can be newly affected by the storytelling in

Just to add...I had a student, a woman in her 40s, who was profoundly deaf (because of rheumatic fever as a kid) and nobody at school had any idea. She ultimately told me she worked her ass off so as to perfect her speaking voice and to lipread. Gotta give people like that - and the woman in this video - props for

AHHHH DAMN YOU!?!?!!11!?!