
Your point is logical, but you forget, children are not. At that age they are reactionary. A seven year old, even a smart one, does not have the sophistication to gauge parental disapproval beyond how it relates to actions made by the seven year old herself (or actions she thinks she's responsible for).

That pic of Snappy doing the happy dance on his hind legs while Owner Tracy gives him a hot dog with a look of mild terror is CLASSIQUE.


YES, that shit was exquisitely designed and executed!!

I look at this and all I can think of is how truly magnificent Michelle Pfeiffer's 'hand-sewn' costume was.

did he whip you up some felix felicis?


Has anybody here been to the Harry Potter theme park? Disclosure: fully grown adult TOTALLY dying to go. Went apeshit at that beautiful Harry Potter museum exhibit that traveled around a couple of years ago.

Just finished 'Dance with Dragons' last night. Man, if this show keeps going, they've got a shit ton of work on their hands.

I have given up understanding why John Noble hasn't won either an Emmy or a Golden Globe for Walter/nate. It is sheer tomfoolery. I love PD also and agree with you, but Tyrion hasn't ever moved me to tears the way Noble has.


I feel like I've been strafed with bombast from this book and film series for years now and yet none of it has changed or grown or improved or gotten worse; it's remained utterly boring.

"Have fun. That's an order!"

Hell no! Patrick Stewart would get Shakespearean all up in that!

I do. I get teary eyed.

SECONDED! He deserves the Michelle Rodriguez slot, IMHO.

Me too, although I can't tell if I liked Centurion because it was good, or because it was bursting at the seams with Fassbenderness. I'm easily blinded.


I believe you can get some Moebius works through Stuart Ng Books. Stuart is The Man.

Doesn't that super hot Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan have an extra thumb? I think it's a sign of luck and his fans are into it.