Obscured Byfrost

Did Hank Scorpio FINALLY sell his old place? Good for him!

As soon as?

AND it looks like they've gotten their funding, and then some, and are already under way!!

They did. It's called World of Warcraft.

Not if it's digital.

Yeah, I'm not seeing how this is all that hard for them to sort out.

Just because he was mostly cast as a villain doesn't mean he is, necessarily. He just took a job with the only acting government that would legally recognize him as a freelance mercenary. His dad didn't, and look what happened to him. So he doesn't

This looks like it'll be be fun - and fun is the first (and nearly only) thing I ask of anything Star Wars.

This was the ONLY one of this series I ever picked up and read - and NOW I KNOW WHY.

Now THAT is how you peddle beer!

I was hoping someone else noticed Bub in there...

Over on the Filoni's blog the last picture is of the clone trooper Echo - who suddenly looks VERY similar to Lobot...

Now that I FINALLY understand what all this garbage is about I can actually relax and enjoy it.

I wanted nothing more from life, and worked since childhood, to be an illustrator - until I realized no amount of talent and/or perseverance was going to make up for simple luck.

Just when you've relaxed and decided that nothing can possibly be done to ever make bikini's even better ... this happens.

Land new rover HERE.

I would hereby like to propose a motion to have Tennessee and Louisiana forcibly ejected from the Union.

A Mary Sue is a character that is more or less an analogue of the author, in some form or another, in the story.

This was my experience too.

I HATED the character until book 4 - she of all the characters probably has the most realistic, and ultimately sympathetic, evolution of all the characters in the books.

Interestingly, up here in Minnesota this year I don't recall the schools closing due to heavy snowfall even once this year.

But they've absolutely closed up a couple times already this year due to extreme COLD.