
Yes. You are right. Donald Sterling's virulent racism, well-documented over many decades of public life, is the fault of his biracial mistress.


That's funny, because we feel the same way!

It's because no one ever suspects it.

Weddings don't have to be expensive, but marriages? whew. Mine has cost me all my hair and my will to live.

hey noah i can see miles

I know! I read this and said "how is this news?" and then I was like "who cares?" and then I thought "stick to sports," but thankfully, cooler heads prevailed, because all I really wanted to know was "how far can Will Gordon punt a football?"

65 million-201 million: 2:50 (6:30/mile). RUN YOU STUPID FUCKING DINOSAUR, RUN

If there's grass on the field, eat it.

Sure, the guy looks bad, but you've selectively edited this video. If you let it run a few more seconds, it's clear that he turns and hands the ball to his hooker.

If we intended to make people laugh we'd write for Slate or Vox.

the guards only come out if the articles are rapier

Apparently, no one is en garde of the comments section.

I think it's safe to say that if Northwestern drops women's fencing, we've got a full blown epeedemic on our hands.

Even Freddie Mercury is like, "Enough already with the free-swinging."

Still believes in the triangle........

@TheRealJRSmith You tryin to get the pie?

I didn't come here to read jokes. If you cannot come up with a serious opinion like "child rape is bad," then you might consider retiring.

Silver linings, Barry. I'm just glad the umps are giving 133% this year.

As with anything involving Stephenson and Turner, less than 40% of the shots actually connected.