
Well, if you would have stopped PICKING THE FUCKING RAIDERS EVERY DAMN TIME then maybe it would have never come to that!

The third worst crime he’s ever committed.

The game really wasn’t that exciting. I think Patrick’s trying to put lipstick on a Puig here.

If they don’t, they’ll be suspended with(?) pay

They found someone local to Philly to provide firearms training, but I’m not sure Marvin Harrison was the right choice.


the Jazz last night, scoring 22 in a victo.......

It’s a Rorschach cross-check.

Hey, Dr. Podcast! Shut your trap!

The training staff will have to answer for this.... earlier in the week, all the trainer told the media was that Noah had a bad toothache.

That the Maximus character is partially based upon the real life man Narcissus is, I think, a little too on the nose.

Sources say that the Magic really want him, but that Bird is unlikely to head south until this Winter.

Is there a weird contractual thing with Univision where Tom Ley has to be included in all bears and all Bears stories?

Yeah but Al did that when he was alive.

Hey, come on, be nice, just leave us alone to suck for eternity in peace.

Raiders Draft Room:

Look, I’ll probably read this book, and Rick seems like an interesting man, all the best to him.

Thanks for triggering my PTSD, jerk.

Just reading the headline, I was sure this was going to be one of HamNo’s death row inmate correspondences.

“Aw shucks” Bumpkin Hoser mode