This is very courageous of her to speak out. Good for her. If only Michigan’s defense were as strong.
This is very courageous of her to speak out. Good for her. If only Michigan’s defense were as strong.
Whew. I feel much better knowing Harden won’t have to defend anything here.
*WNBA Boardroom*
SMDH. No one appreciates Brexit humour.
Even worse, the contract is denominated in British Pounds.
“Guys, GUYS, we just had to dismiss Bri’onte for violating team rules, so let’s go over them again.
Awwww, three pussies.
It bugs me that it bugs you.
How many times on average could you yell out that word “bullshit” between where it actually went out and where the ref stops?
It really should be him to write it- I mean, he’s the FS1 Crew’s-chief
Yes, but will they request that the delegation be punished?
Shame is a sense, so Ford wasn’t completely lying.
That’ll help him in a few years when Bowden joins him down there.
Imagine if Penn State simply hadn’t commissioned the Freeh Report.
At least now Paul have a story to tell at holidays with his great-great uncles, Moe, Curly, & Shemp.
I don’t think this is that rare of a thing, actually. I watch a lot of Nationals games, and I think Jonathan Papelbon must do it too, as players instruct him to ‘get fucked’ all the time.
Go ahead, hit play on the promo video with the sound on, and before you do, guess what type of music they’ll intro to. I’ll wait.....
Dear nov15-22,
Doesn’t seem fair to punish Duke over this, as they aren’t representative of the greater N.C. that passed HB2. Anyone who has ever known or met an alum can attest to the fact that they accept insufferable privileged assholes of all backgrounds.