
Comments are getting Harder here.. the Site is really sucking.

Comments are getting Harder here.. the Site is really sucking.

I have.. Newer homes are to tight, no drafts to Circulate the Air, much..

I have.. Newer homes are to tight, no drafts to Circulate the Air, much..

Less heat on internals Helps everything...ANd consider that many new homes have very little Air circulation..Which means the heat SITS there.. and the Convection Behind the monitor gets HOT..

Less heat on internals Helps everything...ANd consider that many new homes have very little Air circulation..Which

I understand how our food was sorted and picked and upgraded in the past.. And that Nature was the founding cause of changes, and Plants adapting To the environment.. Then I look at what is recent, and its asif, we Kept the old Stuff cause we think its better then what nature is creating and adapting.. But also we

REALIZE that to get the CHEAP material prices and low wages from other countries they had to do WHAT?? No stealing involved...this comes to hardware.

If you do abit of math and Know how much cable pays for channels..

Part of this is Public privacy area, like residential..

And they say there are reasons for this. And since most of these people coming Into the country are NEW...

If you can, I ask you to show the list of locations.. because More of the world dont, then does.

iphone and android had problems not long ago.. With this.

I dont care.

Just a thought.

1. Charging and how long iot will run...

Strange to consider, all the advancement and Smart phone programs really dont lik e linking to the Older cellphones..

I love the nations that Think that Other nations should Do the fixing in this world.. depend on others to grow the forests to help keep oxygen in the world.. rather then HELP with the whole problem.

methylmercury is only bad if you digest it??? Im hoping no one find Mushrooms out there..

Go find the Original..why remake something that dont need it?  its just not Shown enough..


Wow, cool...

Maxx has done and tried again..