
US is in a rough place right now, but at least there are still paths to vote, to gain representation, and to attempt to change systems you disagree with—even if it is an uphill battle.”


Nice comment...PROVE IT...

And which browser do you use?? it monitors you. unless you erase every session you use it, before Closing it...its there to share.

Abit short sighted.

Ever hear the story of Greenland..

Not quite..As older isnt bad..

Insurance is...

Mouth pieces.. Say anything that is in front of them..

So the fed, told the state that the dam wasnt upto par..

READ it and weep:

Strange reasoning about socialism is you would think the capitalists would Love to take advantage of it...but for Some odd reason we dont. WE love to stomp on it, Cause Socialism is SHARING..not buying..

The big fight will be those land lords, those that own 10+ houses, and have a company monitor them while they goto Bangkok, with a gay lover.

But, how many die each day without the virus??

rules of farming.

“ America was built on a free enterprise system and guaranteeing a basic income goes against that principle.”

Why not just track 26mhz signals, and you can cover Wifi as well as BT.


And NOW fopr the corp that OWNS the copyrights to Jump in and take it all and charge $10,000 PEr unit.

Just to say..