
what would be great..

let me be nice and say, after 60 years of watching all this happen and 2 generations not know HOW to control the gov. its very entertaining. I watched the battle of Cable installation and fighting the Major Broadcasters to try to get free TV for everyone..(didnt work)

Debate me...

interesting stat...

Your numbers seem abit off...

This is going to show the biggest problems of the internet and the corps NOT installing the better connections..

I love the concepts of capitalism..

If you goto the link there are Allot more then GAMES there..

If you goto the link there are Allot more then GAMES there..

PS..thanks for all the scripts on your page, Im blocking over 100 of them, because they tend to CRAP out my system..  I only block 3rd party..

I find it funny that they keep making things SMALLER, when they dont have to. that small writing ISNT what people need..I hate Squinting..

GPS and current locations...On a tablet..(its called tethering)

But since they Dont let your phone, most times, connect to other devices that GPS has little use...and if you already have a cellphone, that has a GPS...why would you need it? And a cellphone can fit in your pocket better..

Da problem...

LOVE tablets, esp around the house.. I show customers that its easier, better then a Simple phone to do things at home...LEAVe the phone to be a phone.

i do not know about this site, BUT..

Then give a few names of those companies...Then ask everyone whats the first number you are going to dial in an emergency...Or are you going to sort thew your pile of numbers to find the 1 you want???

What is the price IF THE CORPS have to clean up the Carbon based pollution...

Let me make a STATEMENT...

CORRECT, and over 2/3 of the USA dont have urgent care..  And they decide to advert in a national advert..  something that Probably wont work in 90% of the nation..