
1. its battery powered.. If it fails? you need the key.

1. its battery powered.. If it fails? you need the key.

ID them as the gov. loves that, and put there names at the front of the list to be drafted..  When they graduate, send the to ????? what ever war we just created.

Most states repub, tend to be farming states...for a strange reason.

no reply from Shep???  great..he pays no attention to his own posts..WONDERFUL

no reply from Shep???  great..he pays no attention to his own posts..WONDERFUL

Why was this shared 12 hours AFTER the other section posted it...

Why was this shared 12 hours AFTER the other section posted it...

If you are going to have a “SMART LOCK” why have a key?? to bypass the smart lock?? GREAT IDEA..

If you are going to have a “SMART LOCK” why have a key?? to bypass the smart lock?? GREAT IDEA..

Give me link..The ones I find are over $100-150..and I think its stupid for that price.. would like one big enough for turkey, as well as good drip pan..

Give me link..The ones I find are over $100-150..and I think its stupid for that price.. would like one big enough

At these prices, I could have sandals for the rest of my life..

At these prices, I could have sandals for the rest of my life..


All this expensive carp.. WHY??

All this expensive carp.. WHY??

Long ago, there was one based on Timber and using Mercury, causing changes in animals including a tadpole Big enough to feed a family that had 2 heads..



NOt even the price of 1 tire.. rather buy 3 get 1 free..

NOt even the price of 1 tire.. rather buy 3 get 1 free..


These are all falling in price as they have a NEW Flash micro sd format that makes this look CHEAP..

These are all falling in price as they have a NEW Flash micro sd format that makes this look CHEAP..

1. your Mobo network connector..

find the 1% in the nation that have it..

find the 1% in the nation that have it..