This is so much fun..HDMI cables suck only for the Prices, compared to DVI(which has allot more wiring and controls) then VGA/QVGA and all of the control is gives also..
This is so much fun..HDMI cables suck only for the Prices, compared to DVI(which has allot more wiring and controls) then VGA/QVGA and all of the control is gives also..
DONT TELL TRUMP....he wants to open Arizona to fracking..
I think there was a Lawsuit long ago, that ALMOST started between Apple and Commodore Amiga.. It came down the the OS, and hardware, NOT being the same, and apple dropped the suit..
A list of all the things that they use in Cigs..
Acetanisole Acetic acid Acetoin Acetophenone 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane
WHY not compare price of Oil with the Pump price..
Never heard of it, but with SONY as the main OWNERS..
Hmmm, I wonder how you get dirt and dust up in the air to be Breathed..
No need for Pre-programmed keys..
Truem and did anything in the article say that?? NOPE..
As far as I understand IT IS..even if its state only..
SO, you think that Breathing ANY dust is safe??? NOPE..
We have know about Duct problems since MINERS in coal mines..