
It’s generally still pretty damn rude to ask a stranger or acquaintance about their scars. It’s extremely taboo among burn survivors, for example. If you want to volunteer information about your own scars, that’s ok, and maybe the other person will talk about theirs, but really, it’s not like someone’s scars are the

Yes, thank you! I have a large scar on my stomach. It’s been there since I was a toddler and is very prominent. I don’t think about it much; it’s a part of me.

However, more than once I have had an ob/gyn or other MD gasp and say “Wow! What happened here?” Always makes me cringe.

Yeah dude. I have scars in some obvious places (hands and arms) from being burned and strangers always ask about them. It is SUPER uncomfortable because I get tired of telling the story over and over again and don’t really feel like giving all the details and it’s not even that interesting of a story, so it’s not like

We should start a club! we can call it “Strangers Cannot Really Empathize Without Offensive Fact Findings” or S.C.R.E.W. O.F.F. for short. (I realize how much I stretched there but trust me it was way easier than attempting F.U.C.K. O.F.F. instead)

I have an open heart surgery scar that bisects my chest, I have had it since I was three. I have spent YEARS being asked “what happened to you” by total strangers. Normally I explain about it, and the various other surgeries I have endured (congenital heart disease for the win!) in graphic enough detail that people

Also, don’t apologize. Do not say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to talk about it.” Or, “I don’t want to talk about it, sorry.”

Dads not being able to do their kids’ hair is one of those things that seems like a small thing, but is actually a HUGE thing, and is the embodiment of about 16 different kinds of inequality. It makes me INSANE with fury.

Worried ... Or that your male partners would be intimidated by your vibrator usage?

..... dude I think that guy has a UTI or something because pee should not be that color

I love green peas.


Dismissed, blocked, and flagged for hate speech.


The point isn’t to “protect rodents and birds from their natural predators,” it’s to keep natural predators such as foxes, minks, etc. from starving to death because cats, which are not natural predators and can actually out-compete those that are, have cleaned out the local populations of rodents, birds, and small

Having a baby is similar to having a continuing parade of underage puppies who still need to be bottlefed and housetrained right after having major surgery that will change your body and health forever. Every time you get that puppy weaned and housetrained, it’s taken away and you get another one. You can’t leave the

My views on having children are basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

As part of a heterosexual couple who adopted out of foster care, I have serious disdain for anyone who advises a couple to “Just adopt.” That’s like telling someone who is having trouble finding a house, “Just go to the moon, start a moon-city, and live there. What? Are you too good for the moon? You need to take the

Excuse me, but I think I am better equipped to make decisions about starting a family with your partner and the contents of her uterus than either of you two are, I am an anonymous commenter on the internet.

I’ve literally been in conversations where multiple pregnant women would gossip about another friend who got pregnant with IVF - because SHE should have “just” adopted. And then I was the bitch when I asked, “well why didn’t any of you?”

If you think you’ve run into Bruce Willis and he’s being an asshole, it might be my dad...