Mike's Hard Lemonade has a creepy fixation on much, much younger women.
Mike's Hard Lemonade has a creepy fixation on much, much younger women.
I'll keep that in my pocket. I like the way Engineer sounds compared to Developer or Programmer. It's semantics to most of us (computer people), but I like Engineer the most where my friend liked to be called a developer.
It's okay. I'm an Engineer. A software engineer. I say engineer because it makes actual engineers angry, but no harm done amigo. it's supposed to be nonsensical anyways.
Nothing is better than Jetpacks. Except lightsabers....and midair fights with lightsabers using jetpacks. And for the record....I eventually passed.
One of the best reasons to have children is so you can fuck with 'em. At least as far as I'm concerned it is.
She's bringing sexy back. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Snap Poll:
How many of you originally thought the man was the groom?
I did.
You don't have to apologize for this, we have out goofballs too.
Right now this is starting to feel less than rhetorical.
No. Wait. Don't go. limply raises hand
The five best compliments Dweeze's dick has gotten:
"Prince? Who needs a prince?"
I certainly wasn't arguing AGAINST prison time for some of these people—I just think rehabilitative measures are also worth pursuing.
If you have issues Chobani would love to hear from you…
Team Landlord.
I know everyone is really rage-y about this, but that whole statement makes me sad. First of all, it doesn't surprise me to see another abuse victim defend their abuser. Here's someone who, as a young, defenseless child, was victimized by abuse AND now thinks it is OK. That is basically how abuser manipulation work;…
Age: 22
Snuck out of parents house a week before my 15th birthday. 1988.
Walked to the party in the surfer-laden suburbs of Lake Forest (yep,
the OC baby!). Was wearing thin peach top with black bra underneath,
and short black 80s skirt that had those 3 ruffles tiered down it. Was
blonde. Was very blonde due to Sun-In. Was tan.…
The exact same thing happens in my field. I'm a professor in a science field and female grad students, researchers, and professors often aren't invited on those trips because—and people say this openly—they might not feel "comfortable" being surrounded by only men. Women are not invited to lunch/dinner. They are…