
I'm not saying that all of these comics are hacks by virtue of their success, or that they don't work hard; just that concluding, based on a list of top earners, that men are funnier than women is like concluding, based on food consumption, that marshmallow fluff is a better dessert than creme brûlée, or that bologna

Hey, you are a physicist! I'm a physicist!

[secret handshake]

High five!

Ok, I thought, at first, that the picture had cigars.

I don't condone tobacco, but that would be cool.

Truth is, the USSR kicked America's butt in the Space Race. The very only thing America did first was to land on the Moon. The publicity around it gave us the wrong impression that it was a victory.

They not only had more people on space, but they developed more technology for that, and most part of today's knowledge

I wasn't at first ok with the phrasing, but I guess this is a message for the inner Nice Guy we all have.

This is awesome!

Is it ok that I'm here for the Master Chef references?

Look at the bright side: if I had to name my fans from the top of my head, it would be my mom and my six year old niece that knows I'm a scientist but thinks it makes me some kind of wizard.

In atheist heaven, when God shows up and frowns at all the porn and science, people just say:

I like to think that the most responsible day of my teenagehood was the day after my sister's bachelorette party, in which she spent the day at my mom's apartment spilling her guts. I think she had to guess each gift she got, and had to drink a shot for each mistake.
In addition, my mom had gone under some surgery

I do all of those at age 24.

Not that I get hangovers. I am a hypersomniac. If I go overboard, I'll sleep 16 hours the next day. Try explaining that to the boss.

So, what they are saying is female passengers get discount tickets?

It makes nothing but sense to me.

I appreciate your political support.

I didn't know what bothered me about this groundbreaking idea, that is putting a lot of make up in Johnny Depp and having him play someone vacuous.

Then you said "Kiss meets Navajo". Thank you. I'm gonna go to bed now.

I'm my home town, one could see those walking around the suburbs late a night, like 3am.

They are huge! I mean, for a rabbit without ears. They also look very hugable.

On a side note, I love that this capybara was named after a separatist revolutionary. Maybe that's a thing capybaras do? Or maybe it's just an awesome

This made my day better. And I had a great day.

This already got me in trouble in catholic school, but...

As someone called Pedro, I find it hard to run for things.