“The only thing in this world that gives orders... is balls.”
-Tony Montana
“The only thing in this world that gives orders... is balls.”
-Tony Montana
Project Pegasus
If someone is walking around with a bat threatening me, I’d do the same thing as OBJ. The NFL has completely screwed this up. NO Bats should be present on a football field.
Not a LeBron fan.... at all. But I will say that despite my distaste for him, we ask sports stars to fit all these molds in order make our normal mundane lives palpable. Obviously they’re in the NBA or NFL or MLB because they have the x factor. They have the ability to dazzle and delight and for a few moments allow us…
I think Jay is so much more entertaining with his garage show.
You don’t have any handle what constitutes being a slave, or a slave owner for that matter. Get real.
“Non legitimate customers” = Black People
Wow, too soon.
What kind of ring side service is that? He should demand his money back!
my exact thoughts... Its a OU reunion.
OU and OSU aren't in the midwest. Grab a map and educate yourself.
Jesus, If I knew dancing like this would get me on ESPN, I would dance more often. #EpilepsySucks
After watching that clip. I could go for some peanut butter.
I was playing soccer in a tournament at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. During the match, I could hear the murmurings of people on the side line getting louder and next thing I know, every game stopped to watch a B-52 fly 200ft above our heads. The most incredible site.
My exact thoughts.... I hope he's wearing protection, because he's gonna fuck shit up.
They hate us cause they anus?
Talk about class and respect. Instead of dodging the media after that loss, he was the only packer that fielded questions. Here's the kicker, he wasn't the only guy that screwed it up. He just happened to be the most visible guy to screw it up to the average citizen.
He sat there the next day and took his licks like a…
*Suddenly Hungry for Steak*