I guess we'll never know what does the Fox say.

Only the ones in Vancouver. Everyone else calls them the Sedin Sisters.

The record books say that he broke the record by a yard, but that's only because they (reasonably) have to round up or down to the nearest yard. However, the truth is, he only beat Dempsey by half a foot.

This has been one of the many examples today that illustrate why RedZone is one of the greatest things in the history of ever.

All he has to look forward now is a sub-par bowel game.

Wow, you're an idiot, huh? The Boston announcers simply described what happened.

A better question is what the fuck is with Deadspin's vendetta against hockey? The only time they post anything about the sport is when someone is getting carted off the ice or to bitch about fighting or go figure to show a goalie fight. For example I've watched all 20 or so Avs games this year, there has been one

Fuck you. That is all.

Here's the big Orpik hit that sparked it:

And yet Neal won't get suspended for his knee because he is on the NHL's beloved Penguins. Thornton is still a scumbag, but Neal has got to go too.

For $100k I am throwing it however the fuck gets me that money.

The correct answer to everyone here is that ketchup shouldn't be used ever, on anything. The shittiest of all the condiments in the world.
There's a post idea, Rank the condiments. Probably already done but I'm too lazy to search.

Two in the Bush, One in the Cheney.

You were the class clown but didn't find the shocker funny? doesn't say much for your peer's sense of humor. I think you were voted Ass Clown of your senior year


you must have been so much fun to be around.

I think we found the narc.

when you were 16 you thought this was funny too.

They're in high school. Relax. It's as hilarious to them as it was to us at the time.

I can't even joke about this. That's someone's daughter up there. I think.