problem is that we now realize that Loggins was the real talent. He’s in the same boat as Garfunkel and Andrew Ridgeley.
I would like to propose a new rule that whenever anyone from the NFL front office utters the phrase “integrity of the game” it be accompanied by a slide whistle sound effect with a requisite pause for laughter from the audience.
The report that you are thinking of was ridiculed so much that the authors had to retract it and basically admit that they are the worst at what they do.
I presume you’re referring to data you made up in your head. Because there is no actual real world data that supports anything approaching your conclusion.
You are aware the fumble statistics you are referring to has been discredited several times, even on this very site?
God. Full disclosure here. I’m a Ravens fan. I hate Brady. I mean I think he’s great at his job and one of the best of all time, but man I hate him. I thought 4 games was ridiculous for a suspension, especially since it seemed to be based more on not doing everything the league wanted him to do and less over what he…
“So the player is being punished under a provision that didn’t exist for having a previously undefined standard of knowledge about a situation that hasn’t been proven.”
That’s just one of the errors they made (and you do have it correct). The other glaring error that Snyder notes is that there was no recording of the time the measurements was made. You need to know that to properly control for the change in pressure due to increased temperature as the balls warmed. It’s very easy to…
I cannot wait to see this in Federal Court.
So, if I’m reading this correctly, two different pressure gauges were reporting back two different findings. They tried to normalize those readings into an average, but only applied that average to the balls at half time and not to the balls prior to the start of the game, and that error is the difference between…
He’s not shallow, he’s a dope. A coachable dope but a dope just the same. Just listen to the guy talk, he’s a boob. Note how you rarely ever see him doing wacky ads or anything, his wife knows it’d be bad for his image if the public sees how stupid he really is.
I thought this paragraph from Charlie Pierce yesterday really summed it all up:
OH MY GOD STOP FUCKING CRYING. HE DIDN’T FUCKING DIE. He made a horrible mistake and in the end, it cost him his job. Is there ANYONE at Gawker who can deal with this within the normal spectrum of human behavior!?
Unwanted? Jesus, Daniel, it’s a public post.
It’s great that he was a good friend. Before judging those nasty, filthy commenters that never knew him, though, maybe you should consider whether some of the people that Deadspin et al slag on might also be decent people who are beloved by their colleagues. This is what people—including Deadspin writers—do on the…
If you don’t want people commenting on something, then don’t post it across a network of websites whose business model is premised on an active and often inflammatory comments section. Since when is Gawker Media or Kinja about what is wanted, needed, or pertinent? I don’t care about Albert Burneko’s family any more or…
Beautiful and heartfelt it may be, but entirely self-absorbed, just as its subject fittingly enough.
Are you really serious in this argument? It fails on so many levels. By this logic anything on 4chan or redditt is journalism being unjustly compared to a certain "golden" era. Also, stop only answering tiny pieces of commenter rebuttals. It's a nasty habit.