Obvious Burner account, but still

I look soooo ridiculous with bronzer. I'm too pale; there's just no shade light enough.

Maybe she was supervising his handwashing when it happened, or something along those lines.

I know, that kind of surprises me. 24 is an OLD cat, no doubt, but I didn't realize that would be the record.


I actually think he's talking about this thing, which is not a chain. It seems not to have a name, other than "swing-type lock." Does anyone know if it has a name? This is going to drive me nuts:

The visual impact is pretty much exactly that. I'm sure it tastes considerably different and is made differently, but I don't look at this and think "MIRACULOUS! NO ONE HAS EVER BEFORE FIGURED OUT A WAY TO MAKE SOMETHING CLEAR, EDIBLE, AND GELATINOUS IN APPEARANCE!"

Older folks do have a lot of accidents, though—lots of falls. And people driving past the point that they should be put themselves at risk of car accidents. And then there are all sorts of other non-impact events that would qualify as accidents, depending on how "accident" is defined here—like accidentally taking too

Yes, it is asking so much. If your attention is irretrievably pulled away by something a fellow student is wearing, then perhaps you should consider a field of study that holds your interest better.

And I'm saying that depending on how long it's been abandoned, an old mall is not going to be safe in any sense, relative or otherwise. It's going to be super-hazardous. "Let's bus all the homeless people out to the suburbs where even basic public service agencies aren't in walkable distance so that they can live in

I agree that it would be great to re-use the existing building for some useful purpose, but I don't think in its current state that it qualifies as a "place of relative comfort and safety." I think it's more like a "place of inconvenience and hazard," with no utilities and nothing properly maintained and broken glass

Wonder if Duck Dynasty's loyal fans will notice that he slipped that bit about idolators in there, or will think about what that might mean?

This site is for anyone who wants to be here. Including you, unpleasant as you may be.

It's possible to admire Carney's Cassavetes scholarship without buying wholesale into his weird distrust of every filmmaker who manages to become commercially successful, but you'll never hear that from Carney.

That's true, and it's a fair point—he's putting her in an emotionally fragile state and then asking her to break up with him. Sort of like putting a piece of furniture in her house, and saying "you totally don't have to keep this, but if you don't want it, you need to carry it to the curb."

I think the point is that he doesn't owe it to her to be with her, so him suggesting that he may NOT want to be with her as things are isn't ipso facto a shitty thing. Basically a request to open up a monogamous relationship is asking to change the terms of the relationship—he's saying "I don't want to be in this

Well, as long as they're keeping the graffiti under control, order will reign.

That photo highlights the most remarkable fact about Frances Sternhagen, which is that she's been the same age for the last 30 years.

Well, that doesn't mean that he'd traveled the whole mile by the time she noticed he was gone. More likely he was much closer at the time she realized he was missing, and he continued wandering for awhile over the course of the time people were searching for him.

Oh God, I'm so sorry. Can you go on an antibiotic in the meanwhile to try to address the underlying infection/shrink the abscess, or will that not help?

Ah, I guess that makes sense. I was thinking of it as some kind of generic charity allowance, but your version is much more logical.