I agree with him that he was digressing a little bit with the music talk, but everything else was spot on.
I think you mean "an insane amount of insanity"
This comment is gold. Also, "Mousaline" the mouse dictator of Italy.
One of the comments on that article is batshit crazy:
When on Fox News it is a requirement to constantly mention the military. When a Republican it is a requirement to cut all government services that help the military.
I love when men are described as wearing a "top." It seems like just a gentle nudge away from "blouse."
I also think she'd be perfect for The View.
Are you guys cool with this as a way of justifying being ruled on a continental scale for milennia by inbreds or what?
I think the moral here is that no good comes of sexting your cousin.
Say what you will, but in my day we KNEW about shit that went down before we were born. And this was before the nets.
story time:
So an enraged homophobe is secretly a gay man driven insane by repressed sexuality?!
Yeah, but Sirius isn't obligated to sponsor his opinion anymore than they sponsor yours.
He does have a point. I once got fired from a job for repeatedly coming in late and drunk. Show me where in the constitution it says that's illegal? You can't.
"I want to stay at the Beverly Wilshire,"