
Literally everything a feminist does or says plays into their stupid narrative. Who cares what they think of us?

“commercial real estate guy”


“I’m gonna be eated up!”

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

Blake Shelton is not the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 needs: he’s the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 deserves. 

I don’t really like this mascara. I have a Chandler Bing, “Yeah, okay” moment every time people rave about it.

This is wholly innacurate, you forgot to add incorrect punctuation and at least twice the exclamation marks.

Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”

I don’t believe for one second that Dr. Oz has nuts anywhere on his person.

Maybe she’ll dye her hair blue and wear flannels with ripped up corduroys.

Only if it’s a remake of “November Rain” wherein Taylor is Axl, and Karlie Kloss in the Stephanie Seymour role.

The longer Taylor goes on about snakes, the longer I can pretend it’s a harbinger of her awesome duet with Slash.

Ready to hear about how Kushner played bass in a metal band and partied with Lemmy.

Bjork in Dancer in the Dark—probably the most powerful and vulnerable performance I have ever seen. I don’t think I can ever watch that movie again because it was just too real.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

It’s both. Weinstein’s an example of the latter.

Dude, helpful ghosts can be incredibly nice. The ghost in our house was a dick to me throughout my childhood (I posted about it last year, but I would have to dig through last year’s entries to find my story), but after my father died when I was ten and my mother and her new husband got really, really abusive, that

Instead of filming a third movie, I think they should just continue to hiss at each other on social media and in interviews for a while. It’s probably as embarrassing as a third movie would be, and like a final movie, I will still watch it.

It reminds me quite a bit of It’s Always Sunny; for a while I lived with a small handful of dudes who wanted to be The Gang, picking analogues in the show for who they felt best represented them, and emulating the various drinking games and habits they exhibited. It entirely baffles me that anyone would watch that