Oh my god, is this like a thing that they do?? Did you see the story I posted??
Oh my god, is this like a thing that they do?? Did you see the story I posted??
Lots and lots. Read the comment I posted below. I never had a moth phobia until one flew into one of my friend's ears and got stuck there.
Feel free to share the story I posted below. All names changed to protect the innocent (not the damned moths though!).
Please find the story I shared below I'd you'd like to further your moth terrors.
Oh it's terrifying moth story time? Great! I have a horrible one for all of you!!
I have personally worked at at least 5 myself.
Basically if they are asking you to tip out anyone who isn't front of the house, it's illegal. I worked somewhere where the owner was taking a portion of the tip out to pay the dishwashers. Someone anonymously reported him, and we all got checks back. Mine was over $100 for a month's time. I didn't last there long. I…
Literally 90% of the restaurants I've worked at charged us the credit card fee on the tip. Nothing to do with IRS for me, except that I always paid 5% out of my tips that were on a card. So if $100 was my cc tip total, I'd get $95 of that.
Super common in my area, especially in locally owned restaurants.
Every single independent restaurant I've worked at has had this practice except it was always 5%. It is illegal for restaurants to take more out of your tip than they are actually paying though, and you can report them to the Bureau of Labor for it. I never did but you can report anonymously. It is very common. The…
My very chesty BFF used to use these. Coverage, lift, no band. Sort of a braless bra. She liked them a lot. I am personally more of the strap them down variety so I can't recommend them personally, but this brand seems to have decent reviews. My friends were also reusable a few times I think.
Kim's passport photo looks like it was shot by Terry Richardson. That is all.
Was Odin in the business of blessing people? If so, I'd be honored. Thanks!
Did your "last month" pay for February or January?
Is it his house or was he subletting to you? What state if you're comfortable saying?
I work in property management.Little known fact- if your security deposit isn't returned within 30 days, they owe double damages... I believe you file it with the FHA. So twice what they didn't return. But didn't you use your last month's rent for your last month there? Not sure about the rules in your state but…
Our dogs are both allergic to chicken too (littermates). (Love them. Don't adopt littermates.) We have heard that chicken fat is ok but just prefer to avoid anything with chicken as it gives them such awful diarrhea. If we aren't home when said diarrhea begins the girl will bust out of her crate to poop in the house.…
Perhaps it's an industry specific term.
And that is exactly what people do! I never held it against them... I held it more against the managers/owners who didn't realize what a huge waste of time it could be. Just put them on the damn menu! Make it easy for everyone.
Really? Ok. I'll help.