

Yeah, this. Exactly.

Oh holylol, I will love this gif forever. FOREVER.

I was explaining to a colleague friend this morning that I kind of sobbed through the entire finale. He was surprised, as I don't tend to cry. I couldn't explain it well at the time. It was like every moment that passed was one less moment I would have with these characters and this world. I was actively mourning the

No, it's not a woman. It's that dumbass LaidNYC blogger who hates women. I read this piece when some other craptacular thing he'd written was showcased here.

Please nooooooooooo! Don't die, Jesse! Crap, I'm so worked up over the end of this show.

Oh my goodness, I thought that was RDJ.

Used to walk to the one in Elm Grove, I lived right off National Rd in the Park View area.

Holy tomatoes, I never thought I'd run into a DiCarlo's namedrop on Jez! Holla! Used to be able to walk to one where I grew up, Wheeling.

I hope that's part of the reason too, and YES, on the reheated crap at these places. I think more people are becoming aware of the difference in quality between fresh and frozen, and are being more discriminating in their choices.

There's like one good movie for every 10 nowadays. And ticket prices are skyrocketing. What's up with that?

I hear you. It sent me into a rage many times. I don't have children, but I don't know what I'd do about fb if I did. So many awful messages transmitted to developing minds and identities.

Oh, fb is TERRIBLE about self-policing. I've reported rape-trigger posts, pages promoting violence against women, and a page dedicated to hatred of people with disabilities. They responded to all of them the same as yours.

I am dyyyying here waiting for Breaking Bad to come on! Who's gonna die? It's crazy how spoiler-free Breaking Bad is. I know, I've looked.

I love, love, love Peter Thomas Roth's Mega-Rich Conditioner.

I grew up in Wheeling. I couldn't get away from there fast enough. The backward, narrow-minded and judgmental mindset is absolutely suffocating. I returned this summer for my grandma's memorial, and I hadn't been there in over ten years. The people haven't changed, at all, extended family included, sigh. I don't know

I don't....get the need for this at all(???). Why the gender specificity, I'm not sure I understand what problem this is intended to solve?

I've honestly never been able to get on the yogurt bandwagon. The sweet and fruity versions just...don't go down well? I get, ah, bored eating it halfway through (?). The only yogurt I like is in Middle Eastern or Mediterranean sauces and dips, more like a condiment than anything. Used in a savory way, it's very

I cannot deal with Kinja sometimes, I'm very sorry, I was irate at Benjamin Weeks' comment and I replied to the wrong person.

I am so sorry, this was meant for Benjamin Weeks