
You have absolutely no fucking idea of what you are talking about. Period. Full stop.

Learn what, exactly, troll? When will trolls like you get it through your thick skulls that men do not get to dictate how women choose to inhabit their bodies or live their lives, that women do not exist to serve or please men, and that women with brains simply aren't going to tolerate this steaming pile of

Sooo O/T, sorry, but is that a pic of the Hyperbole and a Half blogger (name is escaping me atm)? I loooove her! If it's not, it looks a heck of a lot like her.

That poor little girl. This broke my heart, for so many reasons. That poor little girl. There are so many horrible human beings populating this world. I don't have any other words.

Whenever some ancient dude in the Bible begat another son, Ana clambered out of bed...up the stairs...out of the car. Clamber, clamber, clamber. Girl is an awkward, clumsy mover who is not so good at walking.

I had no idea how funny Anna Kendrick was until I saw Pitch Perfect. She's extremely talented!

That was the greatest scene on the show all season! I literally pointed and laughed at my TV!

Yeah, no kidding! It has turned into a complicated mess of a show and they keep adding "twists" every season that make it so complex and confusing that longtime fans of the show have lost the ability to follow the rules. Sorry for the brain twisting. All I was trying to say was that there won't be one, satisfying

That's not how the show works. If they're evicted by the other houseguests before "jury"- the remaining group down to the final 2 who will vote on who gets the 500K- they'll be told by Julie Chen individually on their eviction night during her interview with them. If they make it to jury, they're sequestered and not

THIS. Also, living in the Bible Belt makes me angry on a daily basis. I'm angry that people here by and large do not see the difference between their religion and government, and have no desire to separate the two. The default assumption is that everyone is devout, and if others get any inkling whatsoever you are not,

*this is really embarrassing* I'm a live feeder and have been the past several seasons. Fair warning- NONE of these people are who they seem on the TV edited version. There have been appalling, horrible bigots, racists, sexists, and an alarming number of run-of-the-mill assholes over the years. Allison Grodner tells

Andy is the one being called the f-word. He's the only out houseguest.

He gets my everlasting love for Freaks and Geeks. Really, everyone from Freaks and Geeks gets my everlasting love.

Dodai, very interesting article and I agree with you about the cultural appropriation argument. I think it's troublesome, with some problematic aspects, particularly around figuring out the difference between celebrating/paying tribute and appropriating another culture's history, but nevertheless, a very worthwhile

It was an absolutely beautiful piece of work. I appreciate you letting me know. She precisely nailed the (non) feeling of depression.

Thanks! I'm off to look for it.

This is me, Fishnets. It's taken me years to figure out. People call me intimidating fairly regularly, and it used to confuse me so. I'm certainly not physically intimidating, I'm pretty puny and short. But...it's the face. And a general air of "and why should this interest me" skepticism. Maybe those of us with BRF

Is that from Hyperbole and a Half? Sorry if this is a derail, but what the heck happened to her?! I FLOVED her blog, so talented.

What an AMAZING project! Thank you so much for posting that link, I wish I could see one of these traveling exhibits. I think I'm going to get one of the t-shirts for one of my friends who has a birthday coming up. Truly inspiring work.

Holy crap!! You could have been killed! That's horrifying. Did anyone try to help you/apprehend him?!