
shoulda been an EV

Love it. Have never driven one, but always strongly suspected these are solid, even desirable vehicles maybe because of all the histrionic shade thrown their way for “retro” styling (which never seemed offensive to me).

We paid $45 last week for ours in TX, maybe the one in the article is bigger? Ours is enormous, and based on the ones we had for the last 3 thanksgiving is worth every cent.

Now playing

Our family is on Thanksgiving #4 with a Popeyes bird. Have done the gravy like you describe every year, to rave reviews. Besides the excellent flavor and texture, having the bird ready to pop in the oven without the fussing of a raw, turkey frees us up to enjoy visiting with family more and spend more time on sides.

Can’t the judge sentence him to 50 years of driving nothing but a Prius, limited to 75mph? Or sentence him to riding 2500 miles on a bike, however long that takes? Totally irrelevant fact: I live about 10 minutes from where this happened, and love riding bikes with my son. But not on that damn road. It’s offroad trails

Sad that this qualifies as "jalopnik worthy"

I’ve had a 2021 BMW i3s for about 2 months, and while it’s 135-150 mile range isn’t THAT much more than my previous 2018's 110-125miles it’s definitely nice to have. Today there was 40% left (wife had driven it all week to work without charging), with the range meter showing 58 miles and we had a 52 mile round trip to

German Engineers: also don’t think cars should have cupholders “YOU ARE DRIVING, NOT SITTING IN A CAFE!” :) 

That would be the “giga” interior pack, which I specced on our 2021:

Maybe they improved something in the suspension along the way, but I wouldn’t have said the 2018 lease I drove for 3 years was “terrible on the highway”. I cruised at 75mph+ all the time, and while certainly not S-Class stable never felt like it required an unreasonable amount of attention to stay in it’s lane.  

glad I snagged one of the last i3s in the US in August. Final cost with $11k corp incentive, 7% dealer discount, and fed ands state rebates of $31k. Love it. Was even fun to throw around on a kart track.

which one is the new CRX EV?  

oh yes, I’d like to know if the car feels unnecessarily “bloated”. It’s luxury class and has a massive battery pack so for sure will weigh about as much as the Moon, but how does turning/stopping/going that much mass feel in regular driving?

Somehow Lucid managed to cram an S-class worth of space into the footprint of an E-class.”

“not lightweight machines”?  3600-3800lbs for a 3 row SUV sounds pretty damn light to me these days.   Check what a Dodge Durango weighs. 

love me vintage Yahama livery. So much I slapped some replica vintage stickers on my modded Razor

“specs to know” include shit nobody here cares about (exterior dimensions and 95L of interior space whoop de doo!) but NOT the weight.

I really don’t care about any of the details, that abysmal choice in colors would turn me away. At least BMW offered ONE interesting, fun, non-grayscale color choice for the i3 in every year of production.

“Ecopedia” tires have plenty of traction for the i3.

The reason I got a membership at Costco... I only got 16k miles out of my first set of i3 tires (I blame the 40 grit sandpaper-like concrete roads here in Houston), and Costco was the cheapest option by far.  Paid ~$700 for a replacement set.  Now I spend that every two months or so at Costco....