
Read other's comments, there's one guy claiming that operations have been shut down for a week.

LoL, it costs me about $18 to upgrade to the latest phone every year. That's only because of how well iPhones keep their high resale value. I bet you'll never see that with your plastic phone.

Again, show me one example where a OS maker has abandoned the latest flagship months after release. Apple still supports phones all the way down to the 3GS. After this 7.8 update for /all existing/ windows phones they're done. That's it after that they've wiped their hands clean of these devices.

"At the end of the day it doesn't really matter if WP7 users are currently happy with their devices."

The new iPad gets all the upgrades, its what a 3 month old device. The iPhone4S gets all the upgrades its a 8-9 month old device. From there it goes downhill. On WP7, the Lumia is 3 months old and is only getting the Start screen but its updates stop there. It's a lot worse then Apple. Again, no OS until now has

HuH? I was using a 3G like two months ago on its latest OS. It was slow as hell but I don't remember everything crashing.

You know, I feel like MS should've done this. I understand the older phones, but c'mon the Lumia, that's just plain wrong.

If it was or wasn't (it was $99) what does that have to do with MS dropping upgrades for its 3 month old flagship phone? Nothing, but you know that.


Looks like their beta commercials were right. Except, Windows phone users were the beta testers not Android or iOS. Oh the irony.

You're trying to compare a 2 year old device vs a device that was just released this year (Lumia) and is now left for dead. Yeah try again.

Holy shit, commenters and the blogs would be going ape shit if Apple pulled some shit like this and didn't update their latest flagship phone to the next OS. It's amazing how the tone of comments changes when a different company does it, but no all we see is apologies and excuses everywhere. Can't wait to see this

Yes you're right, Apple and Android would never leave their recently released flagship phone out to die without at least upgrading it to the next OS version.

This pretty much sums up 95% of the comments in here.

If they did, the 4S would have never received an upgrade to iOS6 and it would have stayed at iOS5. So no you're wrong. In a limited upgrade, the 3 year old 3GS and the 2 year old iPhone 4 are still getting upgrades. So no, what MS is doing is unique but closer to what carriers do to Android phones that are released

Yes, the Start screen will make up for all of that.

Excuses excuses, the flagship MS phone won't even get the new OS. Flagship. Shit even the iPhone3GS is getting /some/ iOS6 features. Android users can at least go through the hacking community to get upgrades on devices that won't get an official update. Windows users, not so much.

I'm guessing he doesn't. You can always spot the people that don't because they talk all high and mighty.

UGH, still no USB3.0, not interested.

That's what I used it for too. I already had a fullsized laptop that could handle all of my engineering homework but I also needed a small device that I could type out reports on whenever I had a minute or two of idle time regardless of where I was at. It took forever to open up software and files. It became too