
That's exactly how I think of any empty and wasted space on my property. If it gets full sun and has grass on it that I have to mow and water, why not just turn it into a vegetable garden. Like this you can get something edible instead of just grass you have to mow.

As an American with parents that were immigrants from Mexico my allegiance is with the USA*.

Speaking of humidity, this is another thing I like about the Nest. It can control humidity inside the home with the use of the fan and when it has it running and when it doesn't. Our inside humidity used to be in the upper 40's now its in the mid thirties.

Florida, Central Florida. Hot as hell and too far away from the beaches to benefit from the sea breeze.

Unless you have a programmable thermostat OR you change it every single time you leave the house and when you come home, then yes people will be cooling/heating their home when no one is in it. Well leaving your A/C off during the day can be good, but if you let it get too hot then it will be bad. If you let it get

After you set it's schedule or you let it set your schedule for you that's all you have to do. Now if you want to micromanage it like I do and have it on a set schedule AND set it to away when you're away for a few hours you can do that too. So you can have it both ways, oh and it can also set itself to be away if

Your whole comment just shows that you don't know enough about this product to make any statement. Another programmable thermostat won't be able to take commands if you're not in the home, also it works with Android phones and tablets too.

Marketing or not, it makes sense. If it's reflective then it will be reflecting the color of the wall, that's pretty basic.

If you're actually programming your current thermostat then the savings won't be as large, but IMO I think you'll still save with the nest. It has a few features that set it apart from programmable thermostats. Let's say your schedule says it should be cooling the home but you just left and won't be back for several

I live in Florida, it's hot as balls here but the it's either hot, hot as fuck, hell or a little cool outside. With that said the Nest only has to worry about cooling, so I would assume this is why I will never have it cause erratic temperature changes.

From June to July I saved $45 and that's with the average outside temp rising by three degrees. If you schedule it right and turn it off when you're not a home it will quickly pay for itself. So I'd say as of right now I've already saved around $120. Also I'm not sacrificing comfort at all. If we're home it's set

I'm having a really hard time believing that you've actually used one.

WTF are you talking about? When did I ever reply to you?

Instead of going to a tech site to read up on the latest tech I would suggest taking some typing classes or just QuIt TyPINg LikE UR SomE REEEAAAALLY KUUUL 13 YeAR Old.

You know what's amazing? That you can assume all of that from my reply. That's pretty amazing, but it seems like I hit a nerve. If Android is so amazing and all owners feel this way, why is it that any iPhone/Apple post is filled with Android fans bashing another product that has nothing to do with their choice?

That's easy, they have to justify their purchase to themselves so they can feel good about the inferior product they own.

Cause WP8/WP7 users are so rare that they just have to bring attention to themselves to make themselves feel good.

Everybody likes different things and values certain things over other things. That's it. The OSes are pretty much on par and it just comes down to what YOU like, this is great for all smartphone consumers. No OS sucks and no OS is the "best".

Well it looks like it boots faster then the 4S, what are you comparing it to that makes you say it boots slow? Or is this another idiotic comment?

Huh? Why would American media care to report on something that does not affect their viewers. Also, New Orleans is a freaking bowl, any hurricane headed their way is a huge cause for concern.