
Sounds like some spin he heard on some radio show. You know, where they just complain complain and complain without making any real suggestions and the drones just accept it as fact.

SkeeveDave is going to love this.

More space.. wouldn't that mean more space to fill with oxygen and a larger surface area that could get hit by space debris?

Beat me to it. I too /was/ poor. I never had the latest shoes or many clothes. As soon as my parents let me work construction, I started working in my cousin's construction company when I was 14. It was tough being a little kid trying to keep up with full grown construction workers, but I did it. During the

Last time I checked it didn't let you access all of the parts on the phone from Iexplorer, UNLESS the phone is jailbroken.

Wow, those aren't even that good, actually I wouldn't even use the word good anywhere near those apps. Some of those were just phone apps too.

No, it had to do with the fact that a pro sports team had never existed in this area. If you look at the construction method and materials it was meant to only be around for 20 years at most. The new Amway is built to last at least twice that long. The community and owners were never too sure about having a team

If those rumors easily killed your desire to buy the new iPad then you never really wanted one in the first place. I've owned more then a few iOS devices that were supposed to have bad wifi, I might be lucky but I've never had this issue. To me its just blogs looking for page clicks after a few vocal users hit the

Yes, just like you should have sold your Apple stock after the disappointing iPhone4S release.

Yes, they're bed buddies with Apple, yet they didn't get a preview device like every other single tech blog. You're a genius.


No, I just think you clearly missed that IDGAF.

Hmmmm, just looked it up and its an actual nickname for a term before it was an event. It's another name for Rapid Dominance.

No I'm saying that those capabilities were not available back then AND we still don't have drones that can deliver that size of ordinance. Also shock and awe is the nickname given to the opening of the Iraq war when they were just dropping massive amounts of ordinance in a couple days. I think you're confused.

Yeah when I was 4 I really didn't care about war other then GIJoes and shit like that. Have an clips where I can see this, sounds interesting to me.

"So advanced they can't even fly"

OR if we had not spent all that money on those wars rebuilding some fucking terrorists countries. A few years after we pull out the government will be talking shit about America, which whatever but we should never be rebuilding a country where the locals will end up hating us anyways.

The beginning stages of the afghanistan and Iraq war were fought with bombers and fighter jets, I doubt there were drones but there were tomahawks involved.

You clearly don't know the damn situation to be making such a idiotic statement. My phone was practically dead when I took it inside. I didn't come back inside the house for 8 hours. By the time I started looking for it it was already dead and find myiPhone or calling won't work if its dead.

I bought a launch day iPad2 and a launch weekend iPhone4S. I've had zero problems with them. Well except with my iPhone4S, my 2 or 3 year old hid it in their toy room and I can't find it. #Firstworldproblem