
Equally horrific is the fully carpeted kitchen in the house my coworker bought. Who thinks a carpet in there is good idea? Dining area is one thing, but next to your stove and prep area is ridiculous.

When we were house hunting, my husband and I looked at a house that had a hot tub in the kitchen. In. The. Kitchen. The rest of the house was great, and the location was perfect, but that inconceivable hot tub was a deal breaker. On our way out, the realtor stopped us to ask if we wouldn’t mind telling her why we

Then Jayne Mansfield’s bathroom will give you the heebie jeebies.

My former in laws had a house where the bathtub was in part of the master (bedroom, not suite) and surrounded by carpet. And the toilet was in its own WC and was gold, natch. It was amazing.

I read a few days ago about the toddlers that have no legal representation in immigration court. The anti-choice idiots claim to care about the most vulnerable and the voiceless. I'm sure they are right now putting together a big effort to give these toddlers lawyers, right? Right?

Hey, Michigan’s not that bad. We’re still kind of liberal, kind of.

its those intimate shows where they really shine

That guy holding the sign was such a gift. Use of ‘morans’ will never not be perfect.

I saw Satan Den of Babykillers when they were playing for crowds of, like, 10. Great show.

Edited - “nobody needs a FACE to live”
well, they actually kinda do.

The fact is - there was no legitimacy “second guessing” about penis transplants or viagra - so there shouldn’t be about this.

Finally we can give Republican men the ability to carry out their dreams of carrying all the fetuses to term. I can’t wait! I want this to be a requirement for every man who is anti-abortion.

Do we have to donate, or can we sell?

That’s actually a hilarious idea. “British Colonial Loyalist Heritage Month.”

When can we expect to celebrate Tories? I’d like to start proclaiming my proud heritage of not wanting to declare independence from Great Britain.

This is like putting “Nazi Soldiers’ Remembrance Day” the day after Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Why, yes, it is treasonous. Also, March is to be “Jim Crow Law Nostalgia Month,” which I also have a problem with.

White supremacists should be offended too, if they consider themselves to be patriotic. The Confederacy seceded from their beloved country that gives them the 1st and 2nd Amendments that are their lifeblood, and then fought a war against that country they feel so patriotic about.

Damn it kinja!

Even if you take out the racial aspect, the slavery aspect... isn’t this just... treasonous? How dare you say you support our troops, how dare you proclaim that America is the “greatest country” in the world... how dare you do those things and then laud a group of people who rose up against that nation and fought with

Now mind you, it’s BEYONCE who is being racially divisive and preventing us from moving on from the past.