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    The reason I play PC games is for the big screen, the awesome speakers, the incredible graphics, and most importantly, the mouse and keyboard.

    TVs (and handhelds and phones) will never be able to beat the console. Not for now, anyway. It doesn't matter how much power you can pack into a TV (or handheld or phone), you can pack a lot more into a dedicated console.

    Right click on any blank space in Firefox's icon bar. Click Customize. Hit the "Use small icons" box.

    Sounds interesting. I haven't played the game; what rules are you talking about?

    Anyone know a good voice command app for Android? (4.0?)

    If I knew Japanese, I would have done the exact same thing.

    #3 pirated Wii game...hmm....

    The Galaxy Nexus is significantly different compared to the Nexus S. The Air is not very different compared to...the last Air. The Air stayed mostly the same, just with better guts. The Galaxy Nexus runs a whole new version of the OS, as compared to the Nexus S. The hardware is different, inside and out.

    How did the Air beat the Nexus?

    Where's Minecraft for GotY?

    I'm calling it right now. This is the next 'Shop Contest.

    @ Kakkoii - If this passes, Tor will be blocked.

    No, they'd block alternative DNS as well as proxies.

    Just out of curiosity - which Final Fantasy is that?

    No, they don't. It's called fair use.


    No offense...if you have cords going across your floor, you're doing it wrong. As Fexe pointed out, powerline ethernet is much better than wireless. No excuse really.

    I'm not. I know.


    How exactly do you take advantage of the system?