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    Another one to be chalked up to "Nintendo doesn't get the internet".

    It is a good comparison, and here's why: Nintendo is getting as lazy as Activision.

    Well, yes, they're consistently well made. It's Nintendo. That said, there's another franchise that puts out consistently well made games, sells a ton, gets critical acclaim, but gets beaten to death by fans anyway.

    What about the thrusters?

    This exact same situation happened to me. Not touching the Wii U eShop, that's for sure. Why the hell is this not fixed already?

    The design is NOT similar to the Wii. The Wii U is similar to the Wii only in name, the internals have been redone.

    Mass Effect 3. Sue me.

    To be fair, it's still months from release even in Japan.

    That is correct, that's why those were used.

    A war with another developed nation would probably result in a nuclear winter, so it's pointless anyway.


    Sony used to be *the best*. Their hardware is still damn near impeccable, if expensive. Their software, unfortunately, is mostly crap. Which is why a Sony Nexus excites me. Awesome hardware with base Android? Sign me up!

    1080p is already "retina" anyway in 99.9% of use cases.

    360 and PS3 do not render CoD in 1080p. It's rendered in sub-720p then upscaled.


    CVS takes it. Walgreens and Staples have the hardware (at least near me) but it doesn't work yet...WTF

    Thanks a ton.

    Oh well.

    Yesterday, I dropped a penny on the ground. I didn't even bother to pick it up, I just walked away from it with my friends.

    Here you go.