
Flip it upside down and it really looks like a silhouette of someone giving the finger.

We've gone back to the round one?

Apparently from Hong Kong.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?

The first thing that popped into my head right before I go look at the grey comments:

Not saying I disagree — but what was/is your grandparents financial situation then? Presumably, if your dad and his brother ended up on such different paths - one did not follow the cycle suggested in the cartoon?

I prefer the mid-late 80s OAV (how old am I I still say OAV instead of OVA) style myself.

I really loved the line work and overall style of the 80s and 90 too, the had so much character and could capture the real world so well

I still prefer the art styles from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Few shows or manga have really spoken to me the way that character designs form artists like Haruhiki Mikimoto and Masamune Shirow have. More often than not Anime from the last five years comes across as terribly bland to me, visually.


if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.


Gonna be honest. I'm sad that this doesn't come to PS4.

It's probably just be a stunt before the official format change, which is a pretty typical tactic. When I worked in radio we did this a few times. Once we flipped a format and for three days the station was a dogs-only theme. We only played dog-themed music, ran "ads" for bones and dog parks, and even had a fake

Rockin n Rollin n Whatnot...

I don't even know.