Props for not only taking ownership of and acknowledging the poor decision, but also taking proactive action to correct said decision. Good blogger writer internet man.
Props for not only taking ownership of and acknowledging the poor decision, but also taking proactive action to correct said decision. Good blogger writer internet man.
Gonna break rank with a lot of friends here but this shit is stupid. I watched the special. I didn’t agree with everything he said but what was said was not said with hate or malice. It was stand up.
I’ve been reading the manga, the only Ecchi parts are him and the Hero from another nation slowly hooking up, no harem so far. The little sister is Brocon only because the Hero title forces her to be an emotionless killing machine to everything except the Hero’s Guide, which was the MC’s class.
Yeah, it’s hard to imagine how he thought this was going to work out okay for him.
She is called the “mother of monsters’’ because in Norse myth, she gave birth to Fenrir the wolf, Jörmungand the Midgard serpent, and Hel the ruler of the dead.
80's April was very much stacked, it’s just that she wasn’t allowed to have any cleavage.
There is a fair bit of inconsistency in her design and the gameplay model looks less stacked than the promo shot.
No, it doesn’t make it okay. And I seriously doubt acme64 meant it to sound that way. I imagine their intent was more along the lines of my take, which is “What does it say about our society that the kind of heinous shit that happens here in the US doesn’t even get handled this seriously?!”
As someone who knows nothing about Tumblr, and very little about Boyfriend Dungeon, I find a lot of the (well-put!) discussion in this piece pretty broadly applicable across social media as a whole, whether that’s ‘social media lets people build communities’ or ‘social media acts as an echo chamber’ or ‘social media…
They weren’t pushed to release it early, they set the original release date themselves, and then pushed it back almost a year. This was solely on CDPR’s management.
The inability of these people to clearly separate fiction from reality is alarming. It reminds me of Wyatt Russell being harassed over the actions of the fictional character he played in Falcon & Winter Soldier. What is their goal? Do they just want stories with no villains and no characters that ever do bad things?
I really reflects badly on Anthony Hopkins that he took that role of the guy who eats people.
This is the dumbest discourse. The concept of villains in fiction shouldn’t be “cancelled.” Just because someone voices a villainous character, it doesn’t mean they condone their villainous actions.
Both names are ambiguous, and I think that’s intentional. While Skye is more common as a girl’s name (yearly 700-800 most common), it’s been a boy’s (as high as 1388) name too. Angel is far more common all around (72 for boys and ~370 for girls), so there are far more girls named Angel than named Skye.
Cyberpunk explicitly mimicked a series of flashing lights designed to inflict seizures on epileptic people and didn’t provide any warning about it; that’s just slightly different from “Video games are made of lights that flash” and saying that it isn’t is at best disingenuous (but mostly just a very stupid thing to…
“This game may include references to unwanted advances, stalking, and other forms of emotional manipulation. Play with care.”
No; I think some people feel a game like this shouldn’t exist at all due to its topics.
So, the content warning accurately reflects the game's content, but people made bad assumptions about that warning and are now mad at the dev and want the dev change the game itself?
Gotcha, never engaged in frat parties so I guess I didn’t realize being a frat boy meant acting like a actual child with alcohol.
Not just mid-aughts - far before and definitely still happening.