The villain never bothered them anyway.
I completely agree, I've been loving techies since the update and have been having a lot of fun with them in almost every game. The best kills are the ones where they try to tank their way to you, assuming you are defenseless when they are really running right into your trap.
I'm a Dota 2 addict and I was dreading Techies based on what others had told me. But then I played with him, as him, and against him and its really not a big deal.
eye angle
Since the beginning of September, Dota 2's servers have been invaded by characters called Techies—for better and…
it's even lit up orange like his visor. Seems pretty intentional to me.
The Sims 4. The game about nothing.
Any one else think this looks incredibly lame, especially for a Bioware game?
Whoever took these pictures, I'm going to do you a solid. First, use a circular polarizing filter to cut the glare off of the glass/plexiglass display cases. They'll go a long way toward making your images look a bit more legit. Second, bring along something that will allow you get the proper white balance like an…
A good original property.
This is where I come in and say "I certainly hope Jazz is in the game!"