
You chose to be a single mother?

What are you talking about? That's pretty much all we do in minority clubs. It's always about blaming the white man and being racist. If someone had started a black club and said the same things about whites, it wouldn't even be news because we do it all the time. Nobody cares when we're being racist because there's a

You won't find many cultural activities that are practised exclusively by one group of people. Does sushi cease to be Japanese culture because Westerners eat at sushi bars?

If they did, it wouldn't even be news, so why shouldn't white people be able to do it? Just leave them alone. We say racist stuff about whites all the time, so they're entitled to say it about us. Fair is fair.

There's plenty of racism in the USA. Most of it is against white people though. They have to experience robbery, rape, murder, racial slurs, they have to work twice as hard as us to get into college or get a promotion due to Affirmative Action etc. The worst most of us have to deal with is being watched in a store by

The only rights women have are the ones men allow them to have, and without a male police force and military to enforce those rights, you have nothing. If men changed their mind and decided they were entitled to sex wherever and whenever they wanted, there's nothing you could do about it. Nothing.

Women don't need the vote. Most women tend to fall in line with their husband's vote once they get married anyway, and the ones that don't vote irrationally. If you look at women's voting patterns, it's clear that allowing them the vote was a mistake. I don't think it's necessary for women to own property either, at

I said that? No, wait, no I didn't. Denying them their rights and discriminating against them is bullying.

I'm not an "MRA". I just despise feminism and everything it stands for, like any decent and sane human being would do.

Of course, and every racist has black friends. And while you've never said that it's ok to bully white men, you do it all the time, no matter how you deny or spin it. The idea that white men should take this abuse on the chin and not complain about it because they're supposedly a privileged group is itself bullying.

Basically, what you're both saying is that because white men finish last in the Oppression Olympics, it's ok to oppress and bully them in return. It's their turn in the barrel, so to speak.

How did you and her manage to turn it into a racial issue yet again, anyway? Does she think black comedians don't make "offensive" jokes about women?

You certainly are too stupid, which is why your life is so miserable. You'd be a lot happier if you got over the penis envy and just embraced your femininity. That's good advice for all feminists. Men will decide what they expect in a woman and what her value as a potential partner is, not you, so any woman who

One of the problems with sluts is that they tend to be like the slut who wrote this article - selfish, immature, vain, coarse, vulgar and just generally unpleasant.

Men and women are different, therefore different standards apply. That is not hypocritical. If Mother Nature had intended for women to be treated the same as men, she would have created them identical.

Lust can be used in many ways, and when it can't be controlled it can hurt other human beings. Fundamentalists, as you call them, have always understood the true nature of this, but that doesn't mean they have a negative view of sex, and just because someone isn't a slut doesn't make them a prude or "sex-negative".

I don't agree, but why would it be useful to know this? What difference does it make to anything? Why do feminists state the plainly obvious as if it's some profound new insight?

I agree.

Ok let's say you're right.......what difference does it make? What does knowing that rape is is exerting power over someone achieve? Nothing as far as I can tell. It's not exactly a profound insight.

I AM of colour, but I'm not going anywhere because I'm happy where I am. I'm not complaining and I don't have a complex about being a minority.