
It's not slavery if they want it and enjoy it. That's what women really want, a strong man to control and take care of their lives. Feminists are just neurotic and insecure women who've never known a real man so they don't understand what they really need. I've found that feminists are easily brought to heel when they

I admit I hate feminists. They're a pain in the ass. All they do is cause trouble and try to corrupt real women. They're responsible for a lot of the problems in the Black community and I won't stand by and let that happen. The white man might not be able to keep his women under control and that's his problem, but if

It's not a Nazi thing, just like vegetarianism isn't a Nazi thing. THAT is the point. It's simply coincidence. The Nazi slur was totally unnecessary. Idealizing blonde-haired, blue-eyed people is only a problem to those people who feel jealous and inferior to them.

I can have any woman I want which is why I find feminists so amusing. Feminists always telling me I have to do this or I have to do that. I don't have to do anything. I can afford to be picky. Any woman who wants to be with a man like me has to behave how I expect her to, and do as I say. No matter what, they always

If we were to take your views to their logical conclusion then we'd all be back in Africa. Or you could just accept the fact that you were dominated by Europeans, stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself, and make the best of it.

And if he did, should the reputation of vegetarians be tainted by that? If not, I don't see how it makes any difference.

Hitler was a vegetarian, so if vegetarians don't like being compared with Nazis, they should take it up with them right (or start eating meat)?

Back across the Bering Strait. There's no such thing as a "Native" American, they were immigrants just like the rest.

I'm not the one whining about whites being the default. It is what it is. I accept that.

No, but if you can't accept minority status gracefully, you can always choose somewhere else where you're the majority.

It's not racism. I'm Black, only whites can be racist because whites have all the power.

No, that was diseases such as flu and smallpox. Blaming Europeans for that makes about as much sense as Europeans blaming the Chinese for the Black Death and Bubonic Plague.

I'm saying that if Asian people want to see Asians represented on TV or in films, they should live in an Asian country. When you live in a white country, expect white to be the default and stop complaining about it, or choose somewhere else to live.

Good point. I'm also disturbed by how whites and Blacks are not represented on TV in China. Chinese is always the default.

I don't have a husband who used to be president to pull some strings for me and get me a job as Secretary of State.

The only thing you're achieving by insisting that people call you "Ms" is letting everyone know they should avoid you. You might as well just get "BITCH" tattooed on your forehead.

Why would she prefer to be called "Ms."?

I thought feminists were supposed to be against objectification....or is that just the objectification of women?

Still think what shit? That some women will turn to prostitution in a war zone? That happens everywhere, it just happened to be Vietnam in this case. How does that become a conspiracy to turn Asian women into exotic little toys?

I don't know any man who considers themselves an "MRA" (it's a dumb term anyway), but all men hate feminism. The only ones who don't are the snivelling beta bitches who think they might get laid if they pretend to agree with the feminists.