Allen Arrick

I can completely relate. There's literally nothing in the upcoming release queue that I'm excited about. I'm more interested in having the new hardware than about any new releases. I'm just too old for this shit.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is also free this month with PS+.

Opinions always change. We'll look back at the late 00s and early 10s and fondly recall the era of great First Person Shooters, even though the Call of Duty hate is at an all time high. I don't think we'll look back so fondly at the Uncharted series, or anything else with high production value and great graphics

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

EVERYONE, regardless of gender has had problems at work. EVERYONE has had awful bosses. EVERYONE has been discriminated against right out of college because of their age. This is not a gender issue. Quit playing the victim. Disclaimer: I'm the only male in the team where I work. I'm the only man in the building in

Fury 3

Used copies are selling on Amazon for about $90-100, similar prices on eBay. Sounds like the marketplace has figured out how much this game costs.

Porshe is pronounced Porsh-ah, not Porsh.

I swear I have PTSD from playing that game. Never again will I submit myself to such torture.

As much as I want this to be awesome, I just cannot possibly see this being high quality. The first Hobbit movie had a production budget of $150 million, and ran at 169 minutes, which works out to about $900,000 per minute. The FF7 web series is looking at about $5,000 per minute. You cannot possibly make something at

...are aimed at any reviewer suspected of being bias...

"Surely a big company like GameFly has had plenty of conversations with Microsoft about the next generation of gaming." I don't understand any of this. Netflix didn't have a conversation with Blockbuster before they launched. Cable companies didn't have a conversation with broadcast networks. Tivo didn't have a

"They tend to reinforce the ... notion that women in vulnerable, passive or subordinate positions are somehow desirable because of their powerlessness." Ummm, they do? Could have fooled me.


You're going to have to cut, like, so much grass to find enough Rupees.

Is finger-f***ing the female lead with your cyborg hand harmless cyborgphobia?

How about put "Major Spoilers" higher up in the story? Maybe above the first graph instead of the 6th? God knows people never skim articles on the internet. Thanks Kotaku :/

Just got back from a 10 day trip to Tokyo. Thankfully the subway stations have great signage and are easy even for a westerner to figure out.


I'm so glad I wasn't aborted.