
Crack Pipe <<=====A=====>> Nice Price

That's kinda the point.

Most of these are complaining about content on ESPN, which is not even subject to FCC rules!

Samir you're breaking the car

How can something which killed 100 people be worse than something which killed 230,000 people and made 11 million people homeless. Banqiao is much worse than Chernobyl. Whoever chose this list is clearly wrong.

I call BS on that! I agree that the dispersants caused more environmental damage than the oil, no question. But they were not used to cover up the severity of the leak. They were used following standard cleanup protocol. Go ahead and try to vilify BP, but the federal government regulates cleanup procedures.

You're going to wreck the car. You have to stay on the road. I'm begging you.

They definitely look twitchy, and they are! Any modern fighter jet is negatively stable, and requires a computer to not fall out of the sky. the negative stability allows for lighting fast rolls and turns which increases the maneuverability of the aircraft. I took a controls class, and we had to modify the control law

one of the amazing thing about fighters are that they are engineered to not fly stable...it's why without all the computers they will just crash and burn

I'm clearly spending too much time on Jalopnik BC I know what you're saying. Damn it!

Did they use Mazda designers for this?

You raise a valid argument.

Some of their concept cars grab me, but their production cars always strike me as "interesting, but no thanks."

I thought the 3.6TT was already confirmed for the ATS-V, and that engine would certainly line it up to run head-to-head with the M3/M4, except the ATS-V would have a magic third pedal.
Would be interesting to see an ATS Vsport with that TT and then a 500hp ATS-V. Keep the LS7 alive in the Z/28 and ATS-V. 7spd from

Crack Pipe <<=====|===D=>> Nice Price