
yeah i agree with you. a white [gender]'s club would be perfectly fine if it were just a bunch of white [gender]s who liked to get together and gossip about white [gender] stuff and plan things that white [gender]s like, but too often you just get a group whose only scapegoat is "but we're not like the KKK." yeah,

Whatever, she's a great actress with the most amazing comedic timing. Her Aunt Viv and Uncle Phil were my FAVORITE TV parents, ever. Kirsten and Sandy Cohen are in second place, and they aren't even close.

Ugh, amen. Enough shitty things happen in the world without considering that there are apparently multiple people in the world who are both able and willing to hold people hostage in twisted situations for actual years at a time.

I'm really curious as to why they were shouting this particular day. Did they shout for help every day the kidnapper was away and this was the first time someone heard it? The Gawker article says there were chains hanging from the ceiling. Shudder. I guess we'll learn more as they investigate and interview these women.

"I knew something was wrong when a pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms...DEAD GIVEAWAY."

lord! I wanna know about the reunion with the families. Lord! You just never know what your fucking neighbor is up to!

I have a motto: Never date a musician.