
I'm 5'10 and there's hardly enough room for my legs. Flying is fucking awful, especially with back problems. It's so uncomfortable that when I fly from Chicago to LA, a four hour flights, I choose flights with stops! I will never see Europe =(

Kanye is one of the worst dressed celebrities, he has no business in fashion.


I'm not a fan or anything but I think a pair of matching leather pants would be awesome-er.

No, still gross.

Can we see?

Well yeah, everybody has needs, duh.

Of court, I'm not condoning attempted murder.

I was in a 5 month relationship and the sex was unsatisfying and...he was small =( I ended it for other reasons but he's an amazing person and we remain friends. When he comes to town we sleep together, but that sex is still unsatisfying. I wouldn't know where to start to fix that.

Oh. My. Fucking. God. You win.

Bahahaha. Marry me.

I think this might be an attempt at being cute? Now I have to go look at my long ass OKC profile full of dos and don'ts to make sure I don't sound as lame and dry like this dude. But I'm a girl (well I guess I'm actually a woman, I'm almost 35) so we can get away with it right?

It hasn't gotten to trial yet. These are pretrial hearings. This was probably her arraignment?

Bahahaha! Wait, is that a real thing? 'Cause Ps on the bar sue for the stupidest shit so anything is possible. I'm taking the IL bar, the one everyone passes.

Oh good I'm glad everything is limp, no awkwardness or embarrassment.

How does one film these sex scenes? He's not wearing underwear so I'm assuming his little man is exposed, probably rubbing all over her leg. Or do they put a sock on it so as to avoid accidental/inadvertent insertion (assuming it's erect)? I really need to know because the answer is certainly not in my bar exam prep

How original.

Exactly, it's one thing to admire beauty, it's another to date them. The fuckables and dateables must meet a much hire standard.

Of course, why wouldn't he? I would.

Yes. Except for the white guy.