
How about that old biohazard mechanic where you shoot better when standing still? How does that work in VR?

Really does sound fantastic.

how are the combat mechanics affected? can you shoot better with vr than with analog sticks?

I have never bothered with Femshep either but from my familiarity with Jennifer Hale’s other works, I’m pretty sure she is one of the best in the industry

Wait, whaaaaaat? That is so whack.

That Geralt is uglier than I remember him in W1. Although my memory is from a long time ago, you sure that is not just one unflattering screencap?

While that is technically correct, the issue is more in the aggregate. Judging it on individual aspects does not paint a clear picture.

shallow ways people choose to disconnect.

I miss the articles about best OP/EDs of the season

This bs from you after you just said “This generation(of mostly minorities and people who feel left out in the mainstream) want to be included” ?

Like I said, my comment was referring the sinewaves in games, which are a notoriously difficult thing for players to adapt to.

to be fair, if u make a list of all the things in this game that makes it fun and a better experience for the player, you’ll find that the realistic aspects far outnumber the fantastical aspects.

This is totally a render. Look at the plant leaves and the reflections.

OMG it really is a render. I didn’t notice it at first, but after seeing your comment I went back up and really looked. There is nothing there to indicate that this is a real image.

It doesn’t imply that non-chinese cannot project onto chinese characters, but if enabling that makes it harder for the chinese themselves to project onto said characters, that is not a step towards solving

But if you go deep into the issue, you’ll see that this body type is far less common in asian countries compared to usa.

but then again, peeking under skirts looking for missing AO is not so easy without the VR version, amiright?

Well tbh, VR does require the extra processing juice for hyper framerates. Does the non-VR version also have the AO missing?

The irony here is that I dont even remember who died that way in the movie.