
They are not calling bullshit. They ARE looking into it more. The fact that you don’t see the difference between outright dismissal and skepticism is part of the problem. The intentional conflation between the two just for page views is what I found deplorable

Lets be honest, skepticism when facing a dissonance between actual reality and your perceived reality is natural.

More importantly: Players should be able to play their game how they want

Nah. “use” is a vague term. If I look at other people’s art and learn to draw and make money from the art I generate without feeling any moral dilemma, what’s stopping people with AI from doing the same?

Compelling argument for banning trans from all games that feature violence and murder 

Makes sense. Why'd they identify as male or female when they can LITERALLY identify as an attack helicopter 

The author claims that not wanting minority epresentation is a white supremacist issue, but I find that wanting representation itself is a very western issue. It’s only prevalent in black, brown or Asian people living as minorities in the west, and their white friends who support representation yet can’t even

As a souls fanatic, I started this article with the usual skepticism and derision but after finishing it, I can’t help but agree.

Elden ring actually takes the time to properly handle all operations and quit gracefully when pressing alt+F4. It still gives a warning the next time you enter, so I guess the fear is somewhat justified for a regular gamer.

No woman is obliged to share their trauma with you. Neither should a man. They don't owe you an excuse, and you should stop with the assumptions

Not defending the profanities, but a woman citing discomfort interacting with males wouldn't be considered sexist by the vast majority of folks here, would not get a big ass article chewing her out, and would not get most commenters taking arms against her like they did for this guy, and for valid reasons. 

Now imagine a woman who claims she feels uncomfortable playing with males and plays exclusively with females. Would that be considered sexist? Would she be morally in the wrong?

Even when presented with a wealth of options and opportunities, people will still default to making what’s comfortable and familiar: themselves.

Where is my homophobia slider?

The title made me really concerned.

Well, making the refusal public beats the entire point of refusing to make a public statement.

It is more like “Tell them you don’t fuck goats. Make an official statement declaring yourself innocent of bestiality”

And, most importantly, the Shadow Mode (now called Showdown Mode) from Shadow Tactics.

fair point

But why does such an obvious stance like “I care for others” have to be declared in a statement? Isn’t this the default assumption? If any stance needed stating, shouldn’t it be “I’m a PoS who doesn’t care for others”?