I don’t see any rotoscoping here. Looks like normal 2D animation techniques done well.
I don’t see any rotoscoping here. Looks like normal 2D animation techniques done well.
I’d like to add that the rumors were stronger, numerous and corroborated by more insiders in xb1's case even though the console was revealed just a month before E3.
I want to say that its all worth it when you’re swimming in pussies.
Step it up, Nintendo fans. Your hype game is weak.
interesting story. is the name of the game under NDA?
“If you make something idiot-proof the world will build a better idiot.”
I was with you on this at first, but on deeper thinking, that is exactly how gravity works.
It is almost nonexistent in civilized countries.
He was making fun of you for trying to find a reason behind this murder instead of just villifying this guys as a cold-blooded murderer who kills his wives just because he wants to.
We all saw Linus with that Laptop!
Hey, Konami doesn’t make these. That’s Tecmo’s job.
Beautiful prose, you mean.
Is it, really? Is it my choice?
It is amazing how they are hyping Matterfall with nothing but a cgi trailer from two years ago that gives almost zero impression about the game.
Does walking off a cliff count? How about wielding weapons which damage self along with enemy?
I consider myself a hardcore action junkie, and I just can’t see how the things I would want from this game could clash with the things you want to see in this game.
I am now looking forward to see the credits roll in Shadow Tactics just to find out the Japanese cast. They sound so familiar that I’m sure I know their names, yet I can’t seem to put my finger on it.
Sad to see Shadow Tactics absent here. It was the best spiritual successor to Desperados one could hope for.
I used to believe that no anime or manga should ever be adapted to live action, whether it be japanese or hollywood. but then the magnificence that is the Rurouni Kenshin movie happened.
Hmm, I guess shingeki can be translated to any of attack/charge/invade/advance, but attack on titan? ‘Attacking titan’ would at least have gone closer. That totally flips the meaning.