Watching that E3 2013 trailer in 2016 is depressing—it got so many Final Fantasy fans so excited, yet turned out to be totally fake
what stats define
Just the ending? Everything after ulquiorra’s death was trash. Especially the manga-filler fullbringer arc.
I didn’t understand what triggered D.Va. Thanks for explaining.
“One of the rewards was to help design a quest or name some item in the game, and some people never did.”
Play of the Game
Especially if it’s your own.
Can someone well versed in netcode tell me why the server does not have autority in detrmining player-client’s game states?
even without mocap, there are hand-keyed animations far better than this. it looks like animation done by noobs.
persona 5
Why did you post a picture of Jack Sparrow? The only resemblance I see with alyson beside him is the mascara.
Korean devs are on par with jap devs in making DMC like stylish hack&slashers. But I doubt this was one man
Mecanim’s state machines in unity makes it easy as a breeze. Why not in UE4?
Go back to your turn-based games with hobo characters. You understand neither good gameplay, nor good combat mechanics, combat animation or good character design.
152M is less than 1/20th of 3.2B
Am I the only one who thinks Spike Laurie’s quote is stupid? The real question is not if you know who the top players are, it is that you enjoy watching the game.
So who won the failure race? WiiU or Vita?
I’m not saying that you should stop having fun with your fantasies and start seeing them as rape. Just wanted to point out that many ladies would feel that way.
You can install 3.5 inch drives too, with this cheap accessory