The two situations aren’t the same. I guess technically, you could call both of them the same thing, but rape is not a feminist equality agenda that affects both genders symmetrically. The trauma of the experience is highly skewed towards one side.
The two situations aren’t the same. I guess technically, you could call both of them the same thing, but rape is not a feminist equality agenda that affects both genders symmetrically. The trauma of the experience is highly skewed towards one side.
lol Not when they’re coming to rape you
You mean a horror game?
My goal as a developer is not to get rich and live a lavish lifestyle at the expense of gamers.
An excellent article, but it omits an important subject related to gamedev careers - crowd funding.
No, No. The T-shirt was telling girls what they need and don’t need, just like the patriarchy.
Why not? The opponent needs to physically move his blaster to change his aim. The jedi should also have the time to move the saber to the predicted line of fire.
Unfortunately for you, Islam had the foresight to ban any image based or visual depiction of any character.
Guys actually love that kind of porn. The idea that our dicks can cause pleasure to a women in all sorts of ways is a big turn on. The more ways our penis can pleasure women, the better.
But all the hentais i’ve seen shows how orgasmic it is to hit the cervix. Had I been wrong my entire life? :O
Even while taking a leak, he was concerned about the leak.
I’m a little worried that the CG rendering of the gore/nudity is not gonna be as disturbing as the anime/manga.
Neither did I
Like you let ugur decide, instead of whining yourself?
Don’t they get tired of being tired? I mean, yeah this kind of thing has been here for a long time, but people like Anita has been whining about it for quite a while as well.
They need to release the Yawarakai engine for PC.
How did you relate hating ‘blinding/distracting white lights’ with defending this anime?
but Hyper Armor is unbreakable
For me, it started going downhill when the captains clashed with the top 3 espada. The last best thing that happened to bleach was ichigo vs ulquiorra. Everything after is just shit.