
Spoken truly like someone who is not familiar with berserk

So everybody knows it now.

You seem to assume his high-functioning computer skills directly corelate with his social skills. Have you seen rainman? Raymond is extremely high-functioning in some aspects.

What is wrong with unity?

what is evaxephon? evangelion + rahxephon? what does that even mean?

You kill your boyfriend’s killer and then keep your dead boyfriend’s head as keepsake, and suddenly you get called yandere. What kind of world do we live in?

Its OK if Godzilla is 14 too.

Evas are scary as fuck. Godzilla looks somewhat cuddly in comparison.

Like making reinhardt activate his rush and charging off-map.

For me personally, it came down to Stannis’ dedication to justice and what is right. I might not agree completely with his brand of justice, but his dedication to it is downright admirable. It also helps that he has a shrewd set of eyes that helps him see through most of the bullshit that most other characters suffer

I’m okay with that.

No. No I don’t. But that is what Kratos does. It’s his identity. What else can he do?

I wouldn’t say he is the worst. He has his place, but not in a tale about emotional bonding. or norse mythology

Is this the same Kratos? How can that ultra violent guy pull-off this very grounded journey of father-son bonding?

Where is DotA and HotS?

So now you know that D.Va herself wouldn’t play as D.Va

They have been slowly introducing new heroes for over months now. What made this particular hero so special that it deserves its own article?

“We don’t think exclusives are a good idea for customers or developers”

But the world was nearly destroyed in the previous games. How is everything fine and dandy now?

I was playing god of war on pcsx2 with steam controller. It was great. Only touchpad rolling was weird.