
Because when the labor is unpaid, it's for women to do. If there's a chance at money and/or prestige, it's for men.

Dat Joker mask @_@

Okay, sure, there are weird things in football when you start getting down into the nuts and bolts of, say, the NFL rules and casebook. But as a game, how fucking hard is it to follow? One team is going this way, the other team is going that way. You can run the ball or throw it. You get four tries to move the ball at


Substitute me for the puppy and my cat for the human, and this is a perfect representation of what I go through every morning at 5:30

Why does he keep waking it up instead of cuddling with it when it can't resist? What kind of monster shot this video?

Why are girls so intent on arguing over whether or not they are a gamer girl, or getting pissed off at the girls who are 'gamer girls'? The blood pressure that raises when a girl is seen wrapped like a tuna in a controller cord is...intense.

What is the point of posting this? Am I supposed to laugh at Knapp's (fairly reasonable) request? It's not like she had a lawyer accuse you of libel or some other overreaction.

People can choose the images. I dunno, I'm not've never looked up a song on YouTube only to find like, some random anime playing in the background of a popular pop song, for example? Or what stuff on Pinterest looks like?

It's why we recoil at Kanye West's rants, like when West, one of the greatest musical minds of our generation, had the audacity to publicly declare himself a genius (was this up for debate?)

I love Ali.

Actually everyone in the group is highly encouraged to interact outside of their hate group. All of the children go to public school (where they are pretty much hated) and then are encouraged to go on to university because they all have to have careers so that they can pay their own way for their hate tours across

Don't need trees when you're throwin' that much shade.

You are giving them publicity.

The documentary has brief stories from some that have made it out.

I am really afraid to hear, in the future, tales of horror and woe from the few of these children who "make it out," the way survivors of a cult eventually do.

The iPhone one is a parody account right? It seems like a verbatim copy of the tweet one of the Phelpses made after Steve Jobs died, when twitter collectively laughed its ass off at her because the tweet said "from iPhone" at the bottom of it.

All the small children that grow up with this hate. It just makes me incredibly sad and depressed. They grow up with this hate and loathing. Then I think of how these adults are the exact same thing they pretty much know nothing else.

It hurts my brain to wrap my head around people like this. And those poor children. christ on a cocksucking cracker.