Sluts are great
Sluts are great
what a terrible human
Eat a dick.
Ugh you're right. BUT I WAS SO MAD I'M SORRY.
Fuck you jezebel, fuck you all to hell. I'm so upset with this fucking "feminist" community right now. You're not appalled? Well fuck you. Rot in fucking hell you privileged shits.
lol fuck off apologist
I'm one of those people raging against piers on the twitter. what he's doing is pretty sickening. he's using trans people as props.
I was hoping you guys would write on this
thats what turned me trans :P
it's ok me and another trans woman got drunk in manhattan instead :P
seriously love you Kat haha I'll pay you to get a twitter
maybe I'll snoop there tomorrow around and grab her autograph :P
please stop saying born a boy jesus christ every time. assigned male at birth!
I'm sure my trans men friends appreciate it.
ur such a dork
Kat, do you know Parker Malloy?
kyosuke seriously I love you.
I'd give everything to have a period, or a functioning vagina for that matter.
yea. I wonder what my SW friends think of this article lol.
hahaha I love you right now