
lol. well maybe I'll follow you in case you ever release an errant tweet ;)

hey love are you on twitter

hey love are you on twitter

It's puzzling to me that so many so-called Christians are willing to pervert Christ's message of love and acceptance in order to justify their hatred because of a single dumb, Old Testament line in Leviticus.

you could become UN confused really easily by reading what is already written in the replies to me.

I'd rock it ironically

assigned because that's what they write on the certificate and that's how were treated, same for trans men, assigned female at birth. it's very based in fact, we are referring to our documentation and . legal realities here. not some existential nonsense that a higher power assigned us anything.

how about assault? i was brutally assaulted by 3 men on the street. can i use survivor?

you must have been born an asshole

im always fucking stunned how transphobic comments like this are tolerated on jezebel. People get blocked for much much less when its directed at other minority groups, but we're forced to have this same genetics argument time and time again with the ignorant and/or bigoted. We have to hear complaining about how its

I have fond memories of it that I can't justify. I'm pretty sure it was terrible but I look back and it's all roses.

what donna said. Assigned male at birth is an easy way to put it.

ugh. "born a male"

please I'm dead serious can you show me those apologies? because all I ever saw was him complaining about trans women harassing him after those remarks.

I've met mike back when I was male, back when PAX didn't exist and they still showed up at other cons. I used to love Penny Arcade.


sharon is a BEE-AYE-OTCH

I'm kind of pissed that you didn't mention how mike krahulik hates trans women :D

fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all know threading your baby's eyebrows is the only way to keep those jerks at child services off your back.