Nova Terezi

Richard Madden is completely incapable of heeding this warning.

He's a spreader, but somehow I might find it in my heart to forgive him.

Yeeeah everybody hates Japan so lets defend it from non existent attacks! Yeeeeh Raso-san desu!

Of those 956 people, how many cats do you think they own?

10,000? 100,000? 1 million?

Take a deep breath and then ask yourself why the New York Times is profiling women in politics in the Style section to begin with.

There is. I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but there's actually an evolutionary psych professor who forms his ideas primarily around the idea of altruism, peace, and cooperation as important human evolutionary traits and also doesn't follow rote biological determinism. Evolutionary psychology and

No kidding! An evolutionary psychologist gave a lecture when I was an undergrad saying that rape was evolutionarily justified as a means of reproduction and that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were selective mating adaptations to take advantage of female attractions to artistry and eccentricity. Also, as a grown

Dear Geoffrey Miller: Don't presume to lecture anyone on "willpower" while issuing mea culpas featuring the word "impulsive."

Dude acts like a baby.

However, the choices we make will impact how our message is received. One can reasonably assume one's audience will have certain expectations when using written text to communicate. Standard punctuation and capitalization are included in those expectations for quite a few audiences. Choosing to intentionally deviate

im calling him lazy because of his serious lack of content or humor; grammar and punctuation be damned. punctuation is a formality and i really dont think it's necessary, it also doesnt require much effort to do it, i just choose not to, its not based out of laziness. you are perfectly capable of understanding the

I'm sorry Sean, but if you are not familiar with the prestigious firm of Ice Miller, then you should just take a peek at their client list for their NCAA compliance practice. Knowing they're proud to have provided services to universities like Rutgers should fill you with an appropriate level of confidence.

It's like Dada poetry. I didn't want it to end and frankly, this post would have been better with no mention of the cat at all. I hereby nominate Doug Barry to drop acid every Sunday and produce rambling, hyper-descriptive-yet-only-vaguely-relevant captions for everything he posts.

I hope that the 30 years destroyed the games... So my one copy E.T. will skyrocket in price. It's currently sitting between Superman 64 and Rise of the Robots for SNES. They aren't touching though, if they did I think the planet would implode.

Ew, NeoGAF. I think I'd rather go to Reddit.

Heh I remember asking my mom what cellulite was. She responded with something along the lines of "oh how innocent, sweet summer child. Winter is coming."

Seriously, FUPA?? It's gross that Jezebel would even use that term.

Yeah, and I hate him for making that term up. Like women need more body shame?

Well, that in of itself, no. But the way you treat your date in this game to get the info you need for another playthrough is very dehumanizing. You'll see what I mean when/if you try it out.

Holy crap, that poor young woman. Being a cranky old lady, if any bastard tried that with me, he'd get a loud, shrill play-by-play of his actions announced to the entire plane, complete with observations about the size of his junk and presumed intelligence. He'd also get filmed and gain Internet infamy.