Nova Terezi

can someone explain the Tracy McGrady thing to me?

I dont mind the message so much.

I know a few big item creators like sparkwire and cuntsman, but you know who has made the most bank? the dude who made the wedding ring.

I srsly came a lil bit

can we have a catchy rap about it, Don't Copy That Floppy style?

why would you push me like that? :(

it wouldn't be so bad if not for the super short hair


all federal employees receive awareness training about human trafficking. WAY TO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE SLIDES GUYS.

i just want more fun experiences!

I don't think I qualify yet haha

where is the callofdutysportsteevee option for the Microsoft conference poll?

gross print gross cut


I love sluts one day I hope to be one

not all of them are oversexed, though. and haha they are NOT as bad as sucker punch. the medic bothered me the most but im ok with the pieces overall. i dont do any miniature gaming but i would buy some of the women sniper sjust to add to my collection of women sniper figures. (lol weird collection i know)

i guess? just seems a smidge too narcissistic

yea they're just using your machine to mine bit coins :D

still cool regardless of possible over sexualization

i dunno something about this sort of cosplay always bugged me, even back when piano squall was doing the local con circuit.